
Check the authenticity of documents

To verify that a document that has received is true copy of the original which is stored by the Hydrographic Confederation of Segura enter the CSV code that you can find at the foot of the same. You can also use a newsreader software QR in a mobile device:

Resolution of 23 May 2017, the Hydrographic Confederation of safe, on the use of the insurance code system verification ( download / BOE).

The secure verification code guarantees, through its matching, the integrity of the document (Article 42.b of law 40/2015 and in article 20 of the Royal Decree 1671/2009).

The Code sure verification must be treated with due diligence by the addressee of document; its communication to third persons allow them to access the contents of the document, as well as, in connection with the notification received, certain electronic procedures.
This code is printed in the footer of each sheet of the document.

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